Taking proactive steps to ensure smooth and efficient project delivery.

Taking proactive steps to ensure smooth and efficient project delivery.

Regular reviews to provide a comprehensive 360° perspective on each aspect of the project.

These reviews are scheduled at different intervals depending on the project’s urgency and complexity. The goal is to assess key deliverables, team alignment, and everything that impacts the timely and successful completion of the project.


For a project to remain on track and predictable, ensuring that the key aspects of scope, time, and budget are maintained, there needs to be a framework that goes beyond just the numbers. Unlike others, we focus on more than just the data.

The goal of the review is to assess both the "Completeness" and the overall Experience.

To achieve this, we involve key stakeholders who drive the project, along with experienced members from other teams, to review the results and help improve the project situation, ensuring a higher level of satisfaction.
Collaboration ⇒ Abundant Feedback
Everyone has their own perspective.
Hard to find objectivity in different situations
Stakeholder ownership can change over time.
Breaking Bad
The myths that exist for an offshore team
What client thinks?
  • Start is too slow
  • Miscommunication
  • My team is too inexperienced!
  • Indecisive Milestones
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Nobody cares!
What client thinks?
  • Start is too slow
  • Miscommunication
  • My team is too inexperienced!
  • Indecisive Milestones
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Nobody cares!
Echo Meetings - The Project Review Process
All projects in the development stage are reviewed every two weeks. For projects that are progressing slower, we conduct reviews at least once a month. The main goal of these reviews is to evaluate the project timeline, address open issues, gather feedback from the team, track effort burn down, assess delivery milestones, and ensure the overall project schedule stays on track.
This helps us not only get a clearer understanding of the project's current status but also provides insight into what lies ahead in the immediate future.
100% transparent sharing of facts and the current situation
Review efforts and project delivery milestones
Assess immediate forecasts, plans, and potential risks that may arise.
Looping in Clients in the Review Process
An internal review provides one perspective, but for offshore projects to succeed, client involvement is crucial. Their input is essential, especially when evaluating the project's success or identifying areas of failure. Engaging the client ensures alignment, transparency, and helps in addressing any issues early on, ultimately contributing to the project’s overall success.
Identify Internal & External Risks Elements
By involving clients in the evaluation process, the team gains insight into potential risks from the client’s end that might not have been shared initially.
To Ensure projects are on track and schedule
Planning based on the current situation is more effective than following a plan set from the beginning. This flexible approach allows for adaptability and a more practical execution strategy.
Ensure entire development cycle is smooth
When engineers and designers, who are directly involved, are equipped with predictive results, they can work more effectively, leading to improved quality and a smoother development process.
Stakeholders In Review Process
Review meetings are NEVER ad-hoc. They are always scheduled in advance, and stakeholders receive calendar invites well before the meeting takes place.
  • Shared calendar with all key stakeholders
  • Planned intimation of review session
  • Prior notifications
  • Summary of past review action items
Review Presentation
A review presentation by a Project Manager or Scrum Master at Adware Technologies ensures a stable presentation with the most up-to-date information.
  • Current State of the project
  • Current stage of development
  • Known Risks
  • Dependencies
  • Ask for recommendations
Reviewer Findings
A project reviewer—whether it's the client or a neutral reviewer—must submit their findings through a form to ensure they are captured and transformed into actionable items.
  • Overall feedback about team, and their way of working
  • Your suggestions to improve the deliverables
  • How we can make these presentations more productive and efficient
Moderator Review
A neutral moderator oversees the proper execution of the meeting and records their observations in an evaluation form, ensuring all findings are captured.
  • Ensure review is done properly
  • Done with appropriate detail about project
  • Incorporating your feedback into deliverables
  • Improve presentations based on your feedback
All it takes - Less than 2 Hours / Month
What Adware Technologies Does?
  • Not a usual discussion that you do every day with team
  • More than short term goal setting
  • Affects overall deliverables
  • Gives clear picture of broader goals than just a set of routine tasks
What Client’s Need to Do?
  • 1 hour every month
  • Proactive suggestions
  • Open mindset
  • Stronger collaboration
Efficient Mobile UI/UX Design
Discovery Workshop is designed to provide precise and detailed.
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